80 Ways to become a backlink superhero
Posted by webdesigncut on May 4th, 2010 in Backlinks, Internet marketing.6 Comments »

If your site isn’t a back link super hero, you cant see your website at the top rank in goggle for hot keywords. My sincere desire is that the article below will help you in your back link venture and bring success for online endeavors.
On this list, you will see some ideas you have never tried before.
The method you should do first appear first. Hope you enjoy your read
1.Provide more value:This is the most neglected part.In order to market your blog you have to offer more to your readers.You cant expect to have 300,000 hits a day with just five 300 word articles per month.If you want your blog to worth in millions you should have something in it.If you can then getting links wont be difficult.
2.Add a blog: If you don’t have a blog ,just add a blog to your site which will help you to get more backlinks.There are several reasons for that:
A)Blogs are tracked in real time: Blog search engines track the recent posts in a blog and they get easily noticed.
B)Blogs are easier to update than regular website: A lot more content can be added to a blog in a much less time than you can do on a normal website, thus increasing content and hence back links.
C)Blogs get links from other blogs: Generally blogs get more links from other blogs this is the normal trend of bloggers.
3.Post without limits: You should not obey any limits while posting .Also try to appear in blog search engines like Technorati,Google blog serach.But always remember give more importance to quality rather than quantity .people wont link to any garbage out there on the web.
4.Make sure your blog has ping enabled: If you’re using a WordPress blog you will find this in your admin section: Go to Options and then Writing. Make sure that you have some blog search engines in the Update Services box at the bottom
5.Use Technorati Tags: Getting into more categories in Technorati and other blog search engines will get you more links from them.
6.Create authority posts: An authority posts will take 10 hours to complete. these kinds of posts generally have more potential to get more back links than any other average post Authority posts give more details on the subjects
7.Have your friends tag your best work: Let your friends, tag the best works on Digg.Although there are other big social marketing sites like tqwitter,Reddit Netscape Delicio Us stumble upon etc.But again the same strategy is to write good articles to get good links
8.Encourage readers to Digg authority articles:After you post your article on Digg or twitter or other social bookmarking sites ask people to vote you.
9.Make your articles easy to Digg or tweet:This can be done by adding a Digg or tweetme button below your blog posts.To do that you can use sociable plugin for wordpress.
10.Create listing posts: These are like top 10 web design trends of 2010” or something like “20 most creative blog footers” or “100 free icons” People love these kinds of posts and they will link back to you. And also don’t forget to add this in a prominent position in your website to get noticed easily.
11.Recognize your Field gurus: Always this helps They are going to watch closely the source of their traffic and will definitely see if you’re sending some their way. if you send them traffic they may start reading your site. if they find something useful they will link back to you. One quality link from a guru in the field means more than 100 weak links.
12.Publish an Rss feed: An Rss feed is like a news channel where people can subscribe. Without visiting your website just reading the rss reader they can know the recent updates on your website ,which wouldn’t have been possible without feed..If you have word press it generates rss feed automatically for you.
13.Setup your feed burner which helps in easy tracking of subscriptions and also getting more subscribers to your blog. After you start it becomes easy to get more easy.
14.Comment on other blogs:while commenting always remember to fill in the url where the owner can find your blog.Try to make good comments.also answering to others comments also does help to get noticed.
15.Respond to comments left on your blog: Try to build a relation with your readers who are posting comments on your blog many times you will find people coming back to the blog where they get response to their comments.
16.Respond to the emails: Always be kind to people and respond to them. The more you help people the more its possible to get links if its hard for you to answer at that moment put that on your website when you get it solved. Email the person and provide the required url to the help. Being helpful to others will earn you respect and link love.
17.Link to other blogs like crazy: if you link to related blogs you find useful they will also link back to you .although there are many people who thinks that linking to unrelated blogs hamper page rank but on the other hand it does help to get some traffic to your site it all depends upon you whether you want traffic or page rank?
18.Become a guest blogger:If you write good articles for sites who have more traffic than you that would surely help to build your blog reputation and getting more links as people would realize the importance of your blog.
19.Time samp your posts:Try to post your good articles on weekdays rather than weekends because sites like technorati Google blog search remains more busy on week days rather than weekends. . If you’re using a Word Press blog, there is a Timestamp option on your “Write Post” page. You can set the date and time you want the article to publish, and then click publish. It won’t show up on your site until that date and time.
20.Show related posts in your blog entries: If you put the related posts below your blog entries it will be easier for readers to navigate their favorite posts and will create interest ,the more interest you can grow among your readers the more is the chance to get links from them If you’re using Word Press, you can find out why and how to use the related posts plug-in here.
21. Use deeplinking:Deep linking means linking to older posts in your new posts article this would help you good articles to get exposed to your readers when you update your blog.
22.Use meme trackers to find the hot topics Meme trackers are sites that track information published on blogs and news sites, and provide information about which topics are the hottest. some of the big meme trackers are Memorandum techmeme.com and technorati.To get benefit from these trackers add to their hottest topics and you will get links from them. Also add proper tagging to your posts so that people find it easily.
23.Do blog reviews here is the list of sites from where webmasters will link to you if you review their blog
b) WritetoRight.com
c) JohnChow.com
d) DaxDesai.com
24.Do link exchanges : Often this strategy works if you post god articles on your blog ask your fellow blogger to exchange links with you and you too could link to them if you find interesting posts in their blog.
25.Add a page to your blog that would invite people to link to you and ask them to link to that interesting article on your site. A contact form is a must in this case so that they can let you know about their proposal. Help others and get links fast.
26.Trade your links in the blogroll.Put links on blogroll to sites where you find interesting articles and your readers will enjoy reading it.
27.Make an account at MyBlogLog.Its a community for bloggers just like facebook.Here bloggers from different parts of the world get to meet with each other and share their ideas online Here there is a chance of getting back links if they find something interesting on your blog they will link back to you.
28.Make a community at MyBlogLog.com .you can also create a community there where members a can join in your community.this will give a lot more exposure of your blog.
29.Exchange articles. This is a great way to get back links from fellow webmasters.
30. Do a scheduled guest blog exchange with someone from your field Writing for each other can give you both exposure to a new group of individuals that are interested in your field. You can link to resources on your own site each time.
31.Read your posts before final publish: read and edit and again read Always make sure your post is error free before showing it to the world Often error free posts attract readers.
32.Run spell check to see you posts are without any spelling mistakes Often if you get noticed that your posts are full of spelling errors that reduces the possibility of getting back links from those who spotted it.
33.Learn more about your field. Try to gather as much knowledge as you possibly can of your field because knowledge is power when people will find interesting articles and in-depth analysis of a specific field they will surely gather more interest in your blog and hence more lovelinks.
34.Create walkthroughs: By walkthrough I mean it can be a walkthrough of how to design a ecommerce website with pictures and text or it can be how to start a blog or how to write a good post or anything that is related to your field.
35.Write articles targeting beginners You should write articles tailored for beginners too, you cant connect with them by writing high-end php tutorials you have to provide them something basic html css first and you will get appreciated for that.
36.Submit good articles to articles sites like Ezine Article dashboard GoArtcles and Artcle city.They will allow you to place a link to your article at the bottom of your post. Although they give more preference to articles that are more than 500 words.
37.Submit articles to News sites.Even huge sites accept stories from freelancers if your article is good enough.
38.Review a design on your site:If you review a webdesign or a graphic design on your site or it can be products.it might be linked too.for best results review products/designs from new ,up and upcoming companies.
39.Write testimonial for sites form whom you have taken service form. These testimonials will often turn into links and the webmasters and the people visiting your service provider site will surely check out your site.
40.Write and submit press release .Sites like PRweb will publish them and link to you.
41.Write a testimonial for me. I’ll let you link to yourself in it. 🙂
42.Alert friends when you create something that might help them. this creates the possibility of link love form them .
43.If you don’t have any friends, get some fast.
44.Write to help others If you can write that is helpful to others ,you will surely get links from them .
45. Mentor other aspiring bloggers Help out fellow blogger friends and add their site in your blogrolll.They will also add your site to their blogroll and will read your site from time to time
46. Try to meet other fellow bloggers offline:Every city or place has bloggers and internet marketers.This real helps in exchanging ideas for the mutual benefits.
47. Create surveys.A good survey of a blog or a website can make a person feel important and could lead to free marketing
49. Commenting on online newspapers greatly help in getting notices although these are mostly no follow but still the writers of those will see your site
50. Interview other bloggers.Many bloggers want to be famous.They will jump at the chance to be interviewed. Add a page to your website where you will host the interview and the blogger whom you interviewed will automatically link back to you to see how everyone is commenting on his interview
51. Cite the source of your information. This good will often sparks reciprocation. Webmasters and bloggers love to be talked about.
52. Use forums and discussion boards.Forums and discussion boards are places where people post questions when the y get confused. If you answer their queries they will see who you are.if they like your answer then there is every possibility of getting a link from them
53. Answer people’s query on Yahoo answers:If you find a question on a specific topic you are good at or you have specific topics related to that on your website you can answer that question and provide a link back to your website from there
54. Answer questions on Google Groups. Very similar to the one for Yahoo! Answers.
55. Submit to free web directories.Although there are thousands of them The biggiest is DMOZ. (Don’t even bother unless you have at least 100 posts on your blog.)
56. Submit to blog directories:submitting to blog directories help in getting backlinks
57. Submit to paid directories. Don’t do it unless you have to budget. The biggie is Yahoo! Directory.
58. Write controversial content :Controversial post attracts more vistors people love to be a part of controversy Criticize celebrities or website designs or a specific company
59. Write about the leaders in your field. Tell others why you think they’re successful
60. Attack leaders in your field:Attacking leaders in your field in your post can sometimes help .But if you have too much respect for them you can avoid it,but it does help in getting some serious traffic
61. Write in English:English the internationally accepted language in every parts of the world so it goes without saying that blogs written in English are ore popular than those written in other languages
62. Install a text translator:Often people search for websites that are of their own language so if you install a text translator people can easily translate to german Chinese etc ,and it will create interest among readers
63. Create you profile at Wikipedia;Although the Wikipedia page will be no follow but you will get some visitors and possibly links
64. Create a Squidoo page about yourself.
65. Join local clubs that have websites. Maybe give them a few pointers for their site and find out if they list members. Include a link on your member’s page.
66. Donate to any online charity and make suer you use your site name while making donation
67. Market you website as free resource for local business
68. Start a few more blogs:You can do tha with blogger.com or wordpress.com.Link to your main blog .Don’t try to make many links from that blog it wont help much.Try to update those blogs once a week and who knows you will gain importance on google and can make some money
69. Encourage your friends to start blogs Some of my friends started blogs since I encouraged them and they have also linked to my blog, without any encouragement from me
70.Create images and tools that people can use on MySpace, FaceBook, and other social networking sites
71. Create wordpress templates. If you are a designer ,you should immedeatly start to provide both free and premium wordpress templates and themes .If a person uses you template you will get links from them.And wordpress is gaining popularity day by day
72. Create joomla templates.Joomla is a content management system like wordpress that allows users to update their content themselves.so making joomla templates would help
73. Rent links from other bloggers or websites. Although this wont help you in getting permanent links but rather the links will be active till you pay them monthly. Text link is one such place you can try .
74. Buy posts from other bloggers . You can do that by offering money to a blogger directly to post about your site or you can buy posts from Pay per post or Review me
75. Start a design company. If you are a designer start a design company .And start making sites for individuals and small organizations. That way you can build lots of links by adding links at the footer
76.Donate websites to non profit organizations. Non profit organizations usually can help you get lots of back links so they are ideal to design for seo. Make sure you add a link at the footer providing your site name like yoursite.com
77.Set up blogs for other people and don’t forget to put a link art the footer like site designed or developed by yoursite.com.
78.Help students starting Html in college. Help them by linking to their college website and getting indexed fast or you can do that from another site of yours or from a blog or forum.
79.Donate some time for quiz sessions for beginners:They will link back to you naturally since they have participated in the quiz
80.Encourage friends in Q and A sessions:Help others to gain popularity.if you help others you can learn too and at the same time has every possibility of getting links
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