
The Many Approaches to Web Design

Posted by webdesigncut on February 24th, 2010 in Website design.
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If you are a newbie in the field of web design, you may not realize that how many ways a web site can be published or how many technologies can be used behind a website or how many types of software or service providers can be chosen. You have seen various styles of web design but do you know that behind each and every web design style there lays a unique method. The list below describes some of the types of website you can create whether it’s online photo album or a business site

Online photo album: With Online photo album you can quickly share and distribute your photos to the people you know or to the people you may not know, Some of the popular online photo album sites such as Flickr.com Kodak gallery.com or shutterstock.com are great photo albums to take inspirations from Most of these sites have online printing facility from where you can receive print by just clicking the order button sitting with your laptop

Free online service: If you are looking to host your websites for free then Geocities.com Tripod.com, byethost.com are the places to go for. But you have to compromise with them as they will put some ads on your website but for starters who want to put their sites online to be visible to others

Blogging software: Blogging has increased rapidly for the last few years and nowadays blogs are rapidly spreading over the internet. The popularity of these blogs have led to the birth of free blogging software like blogger.com or wordpress.com .If you want frequent updates to your website then you must have a blog or you can even add a blog to your existing website where you can write various articles on relevant topics

Predesigned templates: The sites offering free templates for websites can greatly help a web designer who needs his design fast or want to learn how web pages are built. Some of the popular places where templates are available are templatemonster.com.csslayouts.com .To use these templates you need to have basic understanding of html css and a text editor like notepad++ and of course you should have a graphic designing software like photo shop. To build a website from a template really saves time and also helps you to learn the nuts and bolts of web design much faster

Database driven: The use of database have added new dimension to the field of web design sites like Amazon .com cnn.com are examples of how complex programming can be used to build huge database driven websites where one can keep track of what they are seeing or using. All these are possible thanks to database technology. Although to build these types of sites takes lots of effort and money to build abut you can add shopping cart to your website which would meet your purpose and at the same time they are easy to build

One Comments

  • account money 27 Feb, 2010

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