10 Free Mobile Application Development Icon Sets
Posted by webdesigncut on March 13th, 2010 in Free Downloads.41 Comments »

With the advancement of mobile application development the gap between the laptop and desktop computers are becoming much smaller. At present the mobile application development is really taking the upper hand and it does have a huge and lucrative market. The ever growing appetite of these application developers has pushed the demand for better and powerful mobile applications
The growing demand of UI design is growing day by day. A mobile application design has not only need to be consistent but it also should be eye-catching and distinctive .As a well designed application will always rule the market
In this post we are sharing 10 mobile application development icon sets Most of these icons can be used for iphone or Android .
Android icons
The Android developer icon sets includes 30 .png menu icons plus the additional source files (.eps) for further changes All of the icons are distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike license.Feel free to use them in your upcoming projects.
130 Glypish iphone Icons
The Glypish icon set have designed specially for use in tool bars and tabs of iphones,but its perfect for Android development.
The 130 icons are 24-bit .png images are about 30 x 30 and 20x 20 pixels perfect for navigation and toolbars.
They are distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution license.
160 iphone Toolbar Icons (The Working Group)
There are 160 clean and sleek simple toolbar icons designed for the iphone, with .psd source file for further customization.
These icons have been released under Creative Commons Attribution Alike License. This means you can use these icons both for commercial and non-profit purpose.
iPhone Toolbar Icon Set (app-bits)
This set of 64 icons contain beautiful shaded portions adding depth to the design.
These icons are distributed under Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 License. So please donโt edit these icons without permission but they can be used for your needs both commercial and personal
Android Developer Common Icon Set
This icon set contains set of icons ,some of which are based on the icons in Android SDK.There are total 24 .png of the sizes 16×16,24×24,32×32,48×48
You can use these icons completely free.
Android Developer Common Icon Set II
These icon sets are designed for use in menus,Lists tabs,dialogs.
In total there are 15 glyphs all in .png format.
Gesturecons โ Multi-Touch Icons
Normally Corel magazines are difficult to find but this magazine provides excellent tips and techniques by the industry experts
Free iPhone Toolbar Icons (PixelPressIcons)
These icons have been developed specifically for iPhone developers, completely free for anyone to use commercially under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Canada license. These icons can be customized with permissions from pixelpressicons.
108 Mono Icons (Minimal Icons)
There are 108 icons in this set>these icons are provided in .png file format.
These icons are grayish but can be customized. In phostoshop you can use color overlay to change its colors
30 Free Vector Icons (Dezinerfolio)
This 30 icon set has an apple touch and feel in them just perfect for mobile applications.They are provided in .psd file format.
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